Sunday, 7 February 2010

February Firsts

The baby of the family started school this week.

She was so ready...

Our home grown produce continues....

We're yet to start our latest renovation project.....

I feel something very retro coming on....

Have a great week


Michelle said...

Love that caravan! I can feel the retro too.

As for your question on my skirt, yes it's a good one for beginners! A muslin is recommended though, as the yoke has the tendency to sit too low on the hips if you make it too wide. The only problem is that I'm not too sure you can find Simplicity 5208 anymore, but I'm sure there are lots that are similar in the pattern books.

Vic said...

Oh. My. God. What I wouldn't do for a caravan to do up in kitchy goodness!

Lovely little spot you have here! *ahem* I was having a bit of a whinge today... okay, a lot of a whinge today, on my blog, about being increadibly out of place in a my country town and not knowing anyone... Ms Curlypops directed me here - oohparently you are rather close....

I was just wondering - and this is in the very earliest stages of thought - if you might consider perhaps maybe in the future thinking about the idea (I'll get there in a minute...) of trying to set up a local Brown Owls chapter?

Getting any further past "Oh. That would be fun!" is going to take a while mind you - we're moving house at the end of the month & bla bla renovations yadda yadda busy... but it may be an idea...?

Anywho, before I ramble too much (yeah! BEFORE!), I'll be off.

Feel free to email me or pop by my blog to tell me "HELL NO!" if you like. ;)

Annie said...

Oh happy days. I LOVED the photo of the pussy and pup