My labels arrived today...
I think I'm happy with them. I ummed and ahhhed for ages about color, font, title etc.
Anyway this is they...
Cam suggested a great idea for storage in my new sewing desk.
Shoe box lids, to fit in the slide out tray. Well I didnt have any shoe lids spare but found these gorgeous cardboard boxes for around $3 each at Big W.
Anyway I doctored the first one up a bit cause I thought the lid was not overly practical.
I've got fabric scraps in the second one & nothing in the third as yet. I think I'll leave the other two with lids for now and see how mad it drives me. Thats a sneak peak of Megs quilt in progress in the bottom right hand corner.
We're off on a family trip to Barongarook this afternoon. Enjoy the long weekend everyone.
PS For all those who one my PIF are not forgotten. I'm just having trouble sourcing a particular item I need. Thankgoodness I still have around 300 days to track it down!