Monday, 26 May 2008

This is how I recycle & something Ive got but havent used!

This weeks belated "this is" excuse is that I had my SIL's significant (read 50th) birthday. It was a weekend long celebration of family, joy, love & happiness. So my apologies for my tardiness in posting late once again!
This is how I recycle....

Yep, its Meggy Moo's finally finished quilt. I used the left overs from this project as well as this project to get this job done. (Thank to all who offered me advice on the binding!). I also love to collect fabric scraps from friends and family and turn them into also sorts of things. These were all made from scraps from other projects.
I also get involved in all the normal recycling of rubbish & vegetable matter for the garden compost.
This is something I've got but havent used.... This was a toughy. Do I post about all the unused fabric I have, or the scrapbooking paper I have, or the multidtude of rubber stamps I have???????? Aagggghhhh its a little scary when your realize the extent of what you purchase but dont consume. Anyway this is what Ive got but haven't used. I bought this around 6 months ago, and Im likely to get to it in the next month (fingers crossed).

Ok now Im feeling ridiculously guilty Im off.
Will try to post again before this weeks out....I promise!


Jenny said...

I know where you are coming from but you never know we will use them one day!!!Love the way you recycle

Maureen Reynolds said...

Tolle's books are not ones that you read quickly so I can see not starting that one.

You'll get round to it when you're ready.

CurlyPops said...

Oooooh the quilt looks amazing...great job on the binding!
The book looks really interesting too...

Kirsty said...

The quilt looks fabulous - great recycling effort.

Fairlie - said...

I have soooooo many books that I have bought but haven't read yet. I hyperventilate just thinking about them!

Jodie said...

The quilt looks great!!! I'm a bit of a thrifter too... I just love the feeling of turning something that someone else seems to think has no more use into something useful again... Keep up the great work... Can't wait to hear about that book, it looks like a good one..

Jodie :)

Christy said...

That book is fabulously life changing! The POwer of Now is amazing too. :)